If you love it, log it

Register your valuables FREE and improve your chances of getting them back if lost or stolen

Register today to get started

About Immobilise

ISO 9001 ISO 27001 LBCB Loss Prevention Standards: Immobilise Secure Asset Register Secured By Design
  • Immobilise helps police identify the owners of recovered property thousands of times every day.
  • Property updates you make are immediately available to police nationally, playing an important role in fighting property crime.
  • Combat the sale of stolen gadgets and valuables by alerting the second-hand trade and the publicly checkable stolen goods database, CheckMEND, if an item goes missing.
  • Simplify insurance claims and police reports with certificates of ownership. Or, if you need a loss report number for insurance purposes, visit Report My Loss.
  • Immobilise is a police approved Secured by Design initiative and ISO 27001 certified to ensure your data is protected to the highest standards.
Register today to get started

Why use Immobilise


FREE for Public Use

Create a secure inventory of all your treasured possessions in one place.

Searchable by Police

Loss and theft alerts are immediately visible on police systems.

Recover your Valuables

If your registered items are recovered by police they are able to return them.

Ownership Certificates

Download property details to help make insurance claims and police reports easier.

Security & Marking Products

Immobilise registration accepts all the serial numbers, identifiable marks and 3rd party codes found on your items. If you don't have one or want to enhance the security of your valuables and home we offer a range of products to help. Read more


ImmobiMark Complete Property Marking Kit

ImmobiMark is our complete home security and property marking kit to help you protect and mark the valuable contents of your home to easily register them on your account.

Price £15.99 (+P&P)
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ImmobiBike RFID Bicycle Security Tag image

ImmobiBike is an electronic RFID tagging device that is inserted into your bike giving it a uniquely identifiable code. Once registered it allows recovered bicycles to be traced back to their owner.

Price £14.99 (+P&P)
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ImmobiTag RFID Security Chip image

ImmobiTag is an electronic RFID chip that is covertly inserted into any item of value giving it a uniquely identifiable code. Once registered it allows the valuable to be traced back to the rightful owner.

Price £13.59 (+P&P)
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Asset Labels

ImmobiTag RFID Security Chip image

Barcoded Warning Labels are perfect for valuables without a serial number or to enhance their security whilst letting potential thieves know that the item is protected on Immobilise and traceable.

Price £3.59 (+P&P)
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ImmobiKey - Key Tags and Recovery Service image

ImmobiKey is a convenient, serial numbered keyring providing a unique number to register on your Immobilise account. It is designed to securely reunite people with their keys should they be lost or stolen.

Price £7.50 (+P&P)
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Window Warning Decals

Immobilise Window Stickers image

Window Warning Decals let would-be burglars know that your valuables inside are protected. Burglars like the easy option and hate identifiable property. Visible warnings at entry points will make them think twice and move on.

Price £4.89 (+P&P)
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Immobilise in numbers


25 Million+ Users

Trusted by over 25 million registered users.

35 Million+ Items

There are already 35 million items registered and protected.

1 Million+ Searches

Police searched the Immobilise database in 2024.
The online service is totally free and is quick and easy to use. Items marked as being registered with Immobilise are less likely to be stolen, and households displaying Immobilise stickers are less likely to be targeted by burglars. - Greater Manchester Police

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Immobilise? Expand

Immobilise is a free online registration service that allows the public to record ownership details of their valued possessions. The information entered into Immobilise is stored in a secure database, accessible to the police. This helps identify the rightful owners of lost or stolen property, increasing the chances of recovered items being returned to them.

How does it work? Expand

To register your items on Immobilise, simply create an account and enter details such as the make, model, and serial number. Once registered, your items and ownership details are viewable on the Police National Property Database (NMPR), which law enforcement uses to trace the owners of lost or stolen property. This can increase the chances of your belongings being recovered and returned to you, while also reducing incentives for theft and increasing risks for thieves.

Is there a charge for using the Immobilise service? Expand

No, using the Immobilise service is completely free. The public can register their valued possessions on the database at no cost. Immobilise is committed to making its service accessible to everyone, providing a secure and reliable platform to help protect property and increase the chances of recovery in case of loss or theft.

Why do the police support Immobilise? Expand

The police support Immobilise because it is a valuable tool in the fight against crime. Registering your valuable items on Immobilise makes it easier for law enforcement to identify and return stolen property to its rightful owner. It also helps combat the sale of stolen goods and can assist in the arrest and prosecution of thieves.

What items can you register on Immobilise? Expand

You can register almost anything on Immobilise, including electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets; bicycles; musical instruments; sports equipment; jewellery; and watches. All you need is a serial number, engraving, or other unique markings. You can also add a picture and description to help further identify your item.

Marking items with a UV pen or asset label can provide a unique identifier for items that otherwise couldn't be registered.

How do I report an item as lost or stolen on Immobilise? Expand

You can report your registered items as lost or stolen by logging into your Immobilise account and flagging them accordingly. These status updates are immediately visible to the police and can also help prevent your items from being traded through pawnbrokers or retailer trade-in programmes.

Immobilise is linked with CheckMEND, the second-hand stolen property database, which helps detect stolen items and prevent them from being resold.

Is my information safe? Expand

Yes, your information is safe on Immobilise. The platform takes security and privacy seriously, implementing industry-standard measures to protect your data. Immobilise is accredited by Secured by Design (the official police security initiative), LPCB Loss Prevention Standards and certified to ISO 27001, ensuring the highest levels of protection. The database features multiple layers of security to prevent unauthorised access or data breaches, with ongoing testing and annual compliance checks to maintain its accreditation.